Media & Articles

Celebration of Mother’s Birthday with children at Sri Aurobindo Society


The BhāratShakti team arranged a unique celebration for Mother’s birthday with our Aster group of children aged 6 to 8 years from Aster. During our field trip to Pondicherry on February 13, 2025, we had the opportunity to visit the Sri Aurobindo Society.

The children were filled with excitement as they explored the serene and spiritually rich environment of the Sri Aurobindo Society. The visit was an enlightening experience for the young Asters, as they engaged in activities designed to foster creativity and self-discovery.

As the day drew to a close, the children gathered around the gentle rustling of leaves and the melodious chirping of birds, they reflected on their experiences and the beauty of the world around them. The trip to Pondicherry was not just an educational journey but a celebration of the Mother’s birthday, leaving the children with cherished memories and a newfound sense of wonder.

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#thehealingcircletrust #northbangalorecampus
#freedomlandcampus #asters #grade1 #grade2 #thecreativeschool #children #sriaurobindosociety #mothersbirthday #navkritischool

A Conversation on Art for Chittashuddhi, Purification of the Heart

As part of a year-long exploration on The Spirit and Forms of Indian Art, BhāratShakti team recently invited Ms. Jayashree Ashok and Ms. Cyntha Gonzales for a conversation on the topic – Art for Chittashuddhi, Purification of the Heart. The topic was inspired by Sri Aurobindo’s essay titled ‘National Value of Art’. The session highlighted how art and creative expression can be used for refining the vital as well as facilitating healing and growth in an educational context.

Art that Refines, Heals and Transforms

This conversation with Ms. Jayashree Ashok, co-founder of Creative School explored how in addition to facilitating the development of an aesthetic appreciation, a meaningfully and consciously designed curriculum which has artistic expression and arts at its very foundation encourages learners to develop a keener sense of observation of all that is around them and also within them. Such an arts-based education helps improve learners’ perceptions by a thorough training and refinement of the sense-organs including mind, which in time could lead to greater refinement and self-control of emotions and feelings, eventually helping them grow more reflective and introspective. Several practical examples were shared about various ways in which artistic processes and creative expression have been consciously integrated as essential and significant part of the whole curriculum and learning process at Creative School, which is inspired by the philosophy of Integral Education.

Prajna Wisdom Centre – Silicon India Magazine

Experiencing the Divine through Nature’s Mandalas

Please follow this link to read the article.

Interaction on Art

To celebrate the 150th birth anniversary of Sri Aurobindo – Jayashree was invited to share the experiences at Creative School on how we integrate arts in many aspects of our teaching and learning processes.

Vital Education at Creative School

Sri Aurobindo’s Action group has published an article written by Jayashree on Vital Education work done at Creative School in their journal.  This issue is dedicated to Sri Aurobindos and The Mothers vision for New Education.

Download the entire issue here.

Please refer to page numbers: 21-25

Calming and Refining the Vital
Our Experiments in Vital Education at Creative School