Cosmos (16-18 year olds)



They now have time and space to discover  their soul purpose, life lessons and pursue their own interest and learning curves. Learning through their own spiritual, intellectual, emotional and physical capacities, students at this age recognize their ego – this leads them to develop inner strength, awareness of their inner psychic being, and higher cognition. Students of this age group easily move on to their own unique paths and  become conscious of their own soul journeys and identity.  

Spiritual experiences are now meaningful and purposeful – seen  with a quest to understand how it changes them. Seeking truth is a natural part of this stage in their lives. These youngsters are discerning of judgments, and want to experiment with independent judgment and evaluate answers to their own choices.

With individual learning choices made with deep introspection, they take on the challenge to learn areas in-depth, generate competent ideas, communicate pathways towards solutions, and bring the ideas to fruition. 

Adults are friends and mentors. From us, children at this stage  need encouragement to follow their inner calling and dialogues  on their endeavours. We motivate them with our suggestions and blessings, as they develop a will to thrive. The entire  cosmos is open for them to search, experience and understand.