Our Classrooms

At Creative, our classroom becomes a Sacred Classroom – one of harmony and flow, centeredness and joy, learning and discovery.


At Creative, our classroom becomes a Sacred Classroom – one of harmony and flow, centeredness and joy, learning and discovery. The whole atmosphere of the classroom facilitates a beautiful flow between the teacher and children, where the child’s responses to the various learning processes are heard and encouraged. The teacher is a facilitator for the child’s own learning journey and not just a direct transmitter of information. Children’s interests, imagination, and performance will influence the direction of the class .

At Creative School, a child progresses through different classrooms that are age-appropriately designed for the required child development at each stage. Each classroom at Creative where students work in mixed age groups , is named after a flower Vertical age grouping fosters learning from each other, inspiration, love for learning new ideas, and reduces the age based comparison setup for both the student and the teacher.