Wisdom Offerings

Awakening the Wisdom Within!


Prajña Wisdom Centre offers many spiritual processes for the whole family to heal and awaken their inner wisdom. Through spiritual science processes, we become aware of our own inner barriers and transform them to function more effortlessly at our highest potential. As we become more aware and awaken to our own potential, it becomes easier to practically implement these principles on a daily basis in all areas of our life including parenting and education. Our children benefit from our own growth!

Under the enlightened and loving guidance of many spiritual teachers, many processes have been created for such a conscious transformation, for adults and children. All our processes are spiritual in nature with a scientific foundation.

Over the course of initial years at Creative, school parents attend courses on Emotional Well being, Compassionate Communication, Healing the Inner child, Sacred Parenting, Prosperity Consciousness, and Family Constellation.

More about wisdom offerings: www.prajnawisdomcentre.in/our-work/