In the Aster classroom, a child comes in curious and wilfully engages with the environment around. The being is not yet mainly involved in physical learning and hence energy is available for a vivid range of feelings and emotions An Aster child desires to freely express and hence creativity and artistry come alive in this age group. This creative expression connects the child’s inner and the outer world. An Aster classroom provides multiple opportunities in storytelling, action songs, creating scripts etc so that children feel free to express and recognize their thoughts and feelings.
The child starts to have an understanding of what it means to be in a classroom. The playful aster child gradually shows competency and develops concentration. This is anchored through craft, arts, music, free play, nature walk and play healing. Imagination is acknowledged and integrated into formal spaces of reading and writing.
An adult holds the space sharing values of right and wrong choices, which in turn helps acknowledging positive and negative emotions. The adults are hero worshipped and form a close bond with the child. A Parent or Teacher is an Artist, who nurtures a sense of beauty and encourages the innate intelligence of children.